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Gold Roast Coffee Service Ltd.

ECM Technika V Profi PID Switchable - Solid Build, Large HX Boiler, Rotary Pump, Plumbable **OPEN BOX SPECIAL in Store purchase only

The ECM Technika V Profi PID is a quality, handcrafted heat exchange espresso machine that presents a step up from yesterday's Technika IV, an old favorite for many of us at the office. That said, we're excited about all the upgrades and little touches ECM brought along with the Technika V Profi PID, like the PID shot timer and stylized steam and hot water controls. The PID offers individual temperature adjustment and maintains the ECM aesthetic with its silvered design. The PID also doubles as a shot timer to help with extraction times. For anyone who pays special attention to the noise an espresso machine can make, expect the Technika V Profi PID to brew quietly with its near-silent rotary pump.

However, the stand out feature here is Technika V Profi PID's ability to switch from its 3 liter water tank to an in-line water connection for an infinite supply, making it flexible for any setting. Working in an office full of coffee drinkers, having that option is incredibly convenient. Of course, the design of an espresso machine always deserves special mention and this one features a handcrafted stainless steel housing, larger pressure gauges for easy reading, and new valves for steam and hot water which feature the ECM logo stamped on the sides.